International Master in Digital Library Learning (DILL)

The tradition of higher education in Parma has ancient origins, and its centuries-old history is documented in a ‘Diploma’, dated 13th March 962, conferred on the Bishop of Parma Uberto by Emperor Ottonian IThe basis of the Scuola Palatina was founded in Parma in 781. Medieval Parma was very much concerned with cultural institutions of higher education. This vocation has continued, overcoming many difficulties, until the present day, and now the University of Parma has 30,000 students, with more than 5,000 graduates per year, 1,100 lecturers, and 1000 technical and administrative employees. The University, in keeping with its centuries-old tradition, continues to contribute towards a new European and international society, based on the respect, protection and promotion of old and new rights, for people all over the world.

LIS Research in Parma
R&D activities have been devoted to the Digital Library and Digitisation applied research, with particular emphasis on organisational and socio-economic issues

  • Curriculum development for Digital Library
  • Learning and Digital Library : the research aims to analyse the impact on learning of Digital Library
  • Electronic publishing, Digitisation
  • Digital Humanities scholars and digital library

Postgraduate International Courses – in English

1) International Master degree (2° level) in information studies, jointly developed with the Northumbria University at Newcastle, by distance (120 credits on top of a Master degree of 1st level)

2) International Master DILL Digital Library Learning
Erasmus Mundus Master (1st level) in digital library, jointly delivered by University College of Oslo (coordinator), Tallinn University and University of Parma

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